
Choosing the right application software for business or personal use can improve function and efficiency. If you don’t understand your options, you could wind up with something that doesn’t benefit your business or, worse yet, hurts your productivity, costing you time and resources.

Understanding what types of application software are available to you, be they ready-made apps or custom app builds uniquely designed for your needs, will help you to more clearly assess all of your options.

Types of Softwares that we build

Enterprise Resource Planning

Our ERP software is used by companies  to solicit, review, store, manipulate, and analyze data derived from a variety of business operations.

Customer Relationship Management

Our CRM Software is Used by companies to solicit, review, store, and analyze customer data, and also to manage customer interaction and facilitate the sales process and relevant partner relationships.


An electronic arsenal of data that a user builds in order to later access, review, and update particular pieces of information in a rapid and coherent manner.

Project Management Software

A type of business software designed to plan and execute projects, and to manage the resources associated with those projects. PM software assists users with functions such as scheduling, assigning tasks, managing budgets and costs, documenting progress, and reporting results.

Business Process Management

Designed to facilitate rapid development and automation of strategic processes. Uses web-based modeling, rule creation, and a simple interface to enable the user to perform business functions more quickly. Usually optimized for mobile devices and offering total visibility into operations, BPM software is helpful in managing and analyzing complex data, content, and processes across the enterprise. 

Productivity Software

Helps users do their jobs more efficiently and complete work-related tasks in a timely manner. Categories include document creation, database management, accounting and collaboration. Applications that an organization uses for overall productivity are sometimes referred to together as a software or application stack.

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                        Resource Management Software

A type of business software that facilitates the management of multiple projects and resources and ensures that everything is allocated effectively in real time.

Time Management Software

A type of business software that tracks how an individual’s digital systems are used, including how long the user spends working in certain applications.

Educational Software

A type of software that facilitates the teaching and learning of new content, concepts, or processes.

Custom Software Development

We deliver software products the way you want them.

Accomplish more with custom solutions that address your unique and complex needs, and offer max flexibility to support your company’s growth.

 At Codelinkx, our software development teams are dedicated to the craft of quality bespoke software products and mobile applications. Our team applies Agile Development techniques and Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) to manage custom software development projects. We take each project as an opportunity to improve and achieve excellence.

We understand that our clients work in a very competitive environment. We recognize that successful software integration and implementation can bring big changes to your business processes. With the high risks and rewards involved, we take every opportunity to find methods for making our software development faster, better, on schedule and within budget.






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